No house is perfect. If the inspector identifies problems, it does not mean you should or should not buy the house, only that you will know in advance what to expect. If your budget is tight, or if you don’t want to become involved in future repair work, this information will be important to you. If major problems are found, a seller may agree to make repairs or deduct the repair cost's from the selling price.
Inspection Services In Raleigh NC.
Call Anytime
(919) 414-5418
Structural Components
Exterior Coverings & Components
Roofing System & Components
Flashings, Gutters & Downspouts
Plumbing System & Components
Electrical System & Components
HVAC Systems & Components
Interior Insulation & Venting
Built-in Kitchen Appliances
Chimneys & Fireplaces
Grading & Drainage
Crawlspace, Basement & Slabs